Poems by Soraya

¡Qué paseo de noche, contigo a mi lado!

me alegra tanto sentirte cerca!

What a night walk, with you by my side!
I'm happy I'm feel close!

Sueño con alcanzar las estrellas,

con estar en ellas,

con soñar sueño,

que ellas son mi sueño!

I Dream of reaching the stars,

with being in them,

with I dream dream,

that they are my dream!


Una escalera de estrellas,
mirada a mirada,
peldaño a peldaño,
Caricias del alma,
al abrigo de la luna llena.

A staircases of Stars
step by step
caresses of the soul
sheltered from the full Moon
Soraya SGP

viernes, 14 de junio de 2019

A certain silence...

"A certain silence immediately comes to you if you stand quietly. Try it in the corner of your room: just in the corner stand silently, not doing anything — suddenly the energy also stands inside you.

"Sitting, you will feel many disturbances in the mind, because sitting is a posture of a thinker. Standing, the energy flows like a pillar and is distributed equally all over the body. Standing is beautiful.

“Try it because some of you will find it very, very beautiful. If you can stand for one hour, it is just wonderful. Just by standing and not doing anything, not moving, you will find that something settles within you, becomes silent. A centering happens, and you will feel yourself like a pillar of energy; the body disappears." Osho

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